Course Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I sign up for a class?
Answer: Journeypersons can now sign up for classes by either calling the Training Trust at (562) 695-0611 or by signing up online by visiting "Online Sign-Up". Apprentices must speak with their coordinators to sign up for a class.
Question: As an apprentice, can I sign up for a class?
Answer: No. All apprentices must speak with their coordinators in order to sign up for a class.
Question: What if I do not meet the prerequisites for a class?
Answer: All prerequisites must be met before you can attend a class.
Question: Can I attend a class at any training site, regardless of where I live?
Answer: Journeypersons are allowed to attend any training site. Apprentices must contact their coordinator.
Question: As a journeyperson, can I attend an apprentice class?
Answer: Journeypersons are welcome to audit an apprentice class based on available space, but journeypersons will not be able to register and will not be given college credit for said class.
Question: If I am on disability with Local 12, can I go to the training site?
Answer: Generally no, if a person is on active disability, they are not allowed to attend any training site. All persons on disability must have a full and total release from a doctor in writing before being allowed on the training site.
Question: If I’m on the C-List, can I attend a training site?”
Answer: No. You must be a member of Local 12 in good standing in order to attend the training sites and classes.
Question: If I am a person with a disability, can I attend the training site?
Answer: If you are able to perform the physical task (with or without reasonable accommodations).
Question: How do I submit a suggestion on how to improve the training program?
Answer: We are always searching for ways to improve our program to better serve our members. If you have a suggestion, please fill out a Support Ticket or e-mail the Training Trust office staff at office@oett.net with the Subject Line “Suggestion.”